New Specs!


My new glasses from eyefly finally arrived! In the winter months the dry air combined with the extreme hot and cold temps is hard on my eyes/contacts so I tend to wear my glasses a lot more this time of year.

I was a little nervous buying frames online but it was really easy and about a third of the price that I would have paid at optometrist’s. At under a $100 for frames and lens I can afford to try out a variety of styles so I’m exited to start building up my eyewear collection.

Have you bought glasses online? What do you think of my new frames?

5 responses to “New Specs!

  1. Love them!!! They fit your style SO well. I don’t wear glasses, but I’ve seriously considered getting faker ones just because I think glasses look so cool! 🙂

  2. Those are too cute, you look great in them!

  3. Very cute! I was really nervous when I bought frames online the first time. But now I have 3 pairs, and I want more!

  4. WAY CUTE I have an eye appointment on Tuesday and I’m so going to that website to look after. Maybe I’ll get a couple pairs.

    Thanks for sharing
    Excited to read more too.

  5. Love! I wish I wore glasses – what a great accessory to play with!

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