Category Archives: Sunday Style Series

Wore Out Sunday Style Series

Hi all! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and adequate time to digest your food baby. This Sunday Matt Sisto of Reality Venture Capital takes a break from his holiday celebrations to talk reality TV, top coats and Sephora.

This Sunday Style Series is being complete by: Matt Sisto

Your “book flap” blurb: I’m Matt, I’m 28, and I’m from Greenwich, CT. I went to prep school in Connecticut before going to college at UVM but after graduating I couldn’t bring myself to leave. Vermont is way too awesome.  I’ve been in Burlington ever since, working occasionally but also taking time to try my hand at fiction writing and seeing the world. Last August I started Reality VC, a company that runs reality television fantasy leagues, vtresponse, and hopefully one day micro-finances other websites and small businesses.

Mostly though I hang out with my dog Ava, watch reality television, and blog about it. I’ll play tennis with anyone willing to hit it around, drink whiskey on weekends, and will travel with anyone willing to go anywhere at pretty much any time. I’m also addicted to clothes shopping and Sephora.

Style is:  About personality. For me it’s a mix of old-school New England prep with splashes of 2011, be it a hooded-sweater/sweatshirt, some “fresh” kicks, and a pair of jeans. I forget where I heard this quote, but dressing like a gentleman means discriminating taste, dressing with care, and then forgetting all about it.

Most days I’m: Khakis, sweater, sneakers. Winter though: always my navy Brooks Brothers top coat.

The adjectives that best describe my personal style: Classic with Nike Kobe Bryant Zoom VI’s (that’s an adjective plus prepositional phrase, but it works).

I feel most myself when I’m wearing: Definitely my brass buttoned sport coat, I just wish I had more of occasions to wear it.

Wearing {any new tie/shirt combo} always puts a little extra swagger in my step.

My most cringe worthy fashion moment: When I was fifteen I used to wear sparkly acrylic shirts to school dances. Cringe!

Some of my best ideas have come to me while I was: Long car rides or post work out shower. Always.

I would love to do an apprenticeship with: GQ. Write about fashion and culture all day? Sweet parties? Sign me up!

Thank you so much to Matt for taking time out of your insane schedule to chat with Wore Out! If you secretly love trashy TV as much as I do (yes, I keep up with the Kardashian’s) than you wont want to miss out of Reality VC’s Kardashian and Real Housewives fantasy leagues. Besides, if your boyfriend has to watch every NFL game to “keep up with his fantasy team” (like mine) than it’s only fair that you be able to watch Kim & Kourtney take New York to keep up with your Kardashian bracket. Right?

Wore Out Sunday Style Series

When I started this series I intended to survey a small sampling of friends and acquaintances whose style I admired. I found myself most interested in what men had to stay about their style and decided to survey just men for the month of November.

This decision is particularly fitting since this week Jason Oberholtzer, a social media savvy musician is currently participating in Movember. Movember raises awareness and money for men’s health, it also gives a lot of men the push they need to confidently rock facial hair. An 80s mustache requires serious swagger ladies; I hope you appreciate.

This Sunday Style Survey is being completed by: Jason Oberholtzer

Your “Book Flap Blurb”: Jason Oberholtzer is a writer, blogger, composer and musician living in Cambridge, Mass. He is the co-founder and curator of the popular Tumblog, I Love Charts and a contributor for

To me style is: The conversation you have with your imagined self and your ideal self, and the presentation of that conversation to others. Sometimes style is a subconscious reflection of your self-image, sometimes a conscious one, but it can also influence the way you feel about yourself and present yourself. Dress for the mindset you want.

“My style was once referred to as Alt-Douche, in a loving way, so try and figure that one out.”

Most days I’m: In black jeans. Pretty much every day. They go with everything (matching be damned) and never need washing.

The verb that best describes my personal style is: Curate.

I feel most myself when I’m wearing: T-shirt, jeans, sneakers. Sorry, not too fancy of an answer.

Wearing {any coat/jacket I really like} always puts a little extra swagger in my step. I love a good coat or jacket; the choice often determines my attitude for the day. Peacoat means business. Old, worn autumn jacket means comfort. I have a vintage Jack Nicklaus golf jacket that means I’m feeling good enough to talk to women, and a white leather jacket (see below) that probably means I’m drunk.

My most cringe worthy fashion moment was: I wore a white, Italian leather jacket out one New Years, which almost made my date leave me. However, some drunk Australian guy in the bathroom of a bar told me (while he was on the floor, praying to the toilet) that my jacket was “f***king awesome” and that I should “wear it with f***king pride,” so that is exactly what I did. The jacket is still here. The girl isn’t.

Some of my best ideas have come to me while I was: Driving.

I would love to do an apprenticeship with: So many people. Let’s go with the first one that popped into my mind and say Flying Lotus.

I hate to admit it but I know every word to: The entirety of the first Third Eye Blind album.

My last impulse purchase was: An Xbox in preparation for Mass Effect 3, which doesn’t come out until March…

I’d love to add more shoes to my wardrobe. I haven’t really made a move on it yet, but I feel a kick-buying spree coming on.

Thank you so much to for taking the time to complete this survey Jason! Love Jason’s sweet stache? Check out his Movember page for more information about the movement, Jason’s stache and how to get involved!

Wore Out Sunday Style Series!

I was so excited when Christopher Brown of Burlington Twentysomethings agreeded to be a part of Wore Out’s Sunday Style Series. I met Chris at a tweetup in Burlington a few months ago and it was style crush at first sight! We share a love of shoes, sunglasses and accessories and Chris swears that the size of  his shoe collection surpasses mine… a feat I find both admirable and enviable.

(right to left): Chris, Caity Patey, Social Media Strategist at OGE in Burlington, and I pose for a picture at the B20’s Partysomthings event on November 4th. 

This Sunday Style Survey is being completed by: Christopher Brown

What’s your “Book Flap Blurb”:  I’m a 27 year old Burlington native with a degree in Biology from UVM. After I said ‘screw med school’ I spent a few years in AmeriCorps helping to run amazing non-profit called DREAM. I dabbled in politics before landing a season gig at Banana Republic that turned into a career path. I’ve worked my way up and I’m currently the Customer Experience Manager. Outside of that, I helped found Burlington Twentysomethings and currently serve as Social Media Director as well as helping to conduct and edit interviews.

I’m also very active with Lyric Theatre Co – both off and on stage; I was most recently seen on stage last spring in ‘Chicago’.  I worked backstage on the current production of ‘Hairspray’ and am co-directing & choreographing Lyric’s First Night Cabaret. I volunteer with Outright VT as a facilitator, just finished my 3rd half marathon, started training for my first full marathon and  I’m head over heels in love with my new nephew. On days off, you can find me in the kitchen or hiking. I love to spend my nights with friends, enjoying wine and good conversation.

To me style is: the window into someone’s personality. Shows the risks we are willing to take, our level of confidence, our sense of creativity, our ability to think in and outside the box. Also, it should always be evolving and changing.

Most days I’m: Busy with work, friends and one of the side projects I take part in. Style wise: I start with the basics and build my wardrobe around them. I then use accessories to make everything more interesting / fun / seasonal / me.

Chris (center) rocking his signature bow tie and boat shoe combinations

The verb that best describes my personal style is: Verb, eh? Not adjective? Hmmm…evolving. Adjective, I would say…quirky.

I feel most myself when I’m wearing: Rolled jeans, boat shoes and a t-shirt.

Wearing one of my bowties always puts a little extra swagger in my step.

My most cringe worthy fashion moment was: All of my childhood? Or the time I thought ‘relaxed fit’ pants were acceptable.

Some of my best ideas have come to me while I was: Wardrobe wise, while I’m showering. For regular life, while running.

I would love to do an apprenticeship with: An accomplished chef. Or someone on Broadway. Because, you know the two are so related…

I hate to admit it but I know every word to: “Wannabe” – Spice Girls and “Ghetto Superstar”

My last impulse purchase was: a pair of bright silver keds.

I’d love to add a vintage Louis Vuitton duffle to my wardrobe… and some awesome new blazers.

Thank you so much to Chris for taking the time to complete Wore Out’s style survey. I’m already looking forward to Burlington Twentysomethings next event!

Wore Out’s Sunday Style Series!

I am so excited to share Wore Out’s Sunday Style Series with you! Each Sunday in November you’ll get a new perspective on style from some of the people who inspire me. Kicking off the series this week is James Derosia, owner of Downtown Threads and a very dear friend of mine!

This Sunday Style Survey is being completed by: James Derosia

What’s your “Book Flap Blurb”: I grew up on a farm, my father was a real estate broker who wore Pierre Cardin and custom suits in a poor Podunk town, my mother used to make clothing for strippers and then opened a consignment store that she’s had for the past 25+ years. I really couldn’t have cared much about fashion until I graduated from college and was working as an engineer, all of a sudden I could afford to have an opinion and a pre-midlife crisis. I looked at all the middle aged, soft bellied, poorly dressed dudes around me and couldn’t  stand to be part of that world. I was always athletic and fit but it was nearly impossible to find business clothing that showed it off, so I ended up getting a lot of clothing tailored. Eventually I got sick of feeling like a tool in a great stupid hulking machine and went into management to try to make changes I saw needed to happen. But the corporate world is too big, stupid and slow moving so I quit my job to start my own business without any idea of what I was actually going to do. Now I own a hip little clothing store that is growing all the time, meeting wonderful people and having a blast.

To me style is: One of my mottos is “look good, feel good” so to me fashion is the way I present myself. My haircut, shoes, clothes and accessories all fit right. They don’t just fit my body, they fit the season, the weather, the company I’m going to keep, the events and meetings I’m going to. It’s not about blending in; it’s about making a statement. It’s about feeling prepared and having a little bit of a mental edge when you already know what a person’s first impression of you is going to be because you started cultivating it for them before you ever stepped out the door that morning. When I was in engineering it was a way to stand apart from my peers and show management I could present and be presentable to executives, now I just do it for me.

Most days I’m: At my clothing store, being a friendly face, a helping hand, or a guiding opinion. Sometimes I’m a smarmy shop owner when screaming babies or grabby kids come my way.

The verb that best describes my personal style is: Hustle. Every day I’m hustlin’. I’m always looking for new opportunities and making sure I’m continuing to do the right things.

I feel most myself when I’m wearing: My summer uniform. Pastel polo shirt, white linen pants, light brown plain toed Allen Edmonds Balmoral (Oxford) shoes.

Wearing my Rolex Explorer always puts a little extra swagger in my step.

My most cringe worthy fashion moment was: Ooof, I had some awesome clothes back in the day. Some truly hideous shiny synthetic shirts in the 90’s, some ugly Hawaiian shirts that I wore my freshman year of college but if I go back I’m probably most embarrassed of this stupid triangular soul patch I had for a time in college.

Some of my best ideas have come to me while I was: Driving. I love to travel and be on the road. Whenever I’m traveling it’s a chance to break the routine and let my mind wander to new places.

I would love to do an apprenticeship with: Ralph Lauren. I feel like he’s got it figured out.

I hate to admit it but I know every word to: I probably don’t know all the words to any song, I have a terrible memory.

My last impulse purchase was: Grey shorts with little skulls and cross bones embroidered into them.

I’d love to add a Bell and Ross Aviation watch to my wardrobe.

A big thank you to James for taking the time to complete this little questionnaire. Want to learn more about James or Downtown Threads? Head on over to Downtown Thread’s facebook page for the latest shop news!