
Thank you for visiting Wore Out, my personal style blog!* I love fashion, Vermont, all things vintage, dresses with pockets and my cat Gus. Some of my fashion favorites include faux fur, leopard print, grandpa sweaters, black leggings, boots and one of a kinda vintage pieces that make your heart skip a beat no matter how many times you wear them.

* When I say personal style blog I mean it; I wear what I want and say what I feel. That being said the views, ideas, rants, raves, reviews and opinions expressed here represent my own and not that of my employer *

7 responses to “About

  1. Hi,

    A friend referred me to your blog. I teach a fashion drawing class in Burlington (at BCA), and I’ve been looking for models for the class. Would you be at all available/interested in modeling? If so, could you please send me an email with your measurements and height, clothing size, and contact info?


    p.s. class info is on my site at http://www.jheloise.com — I will get back to you with the specific dates/times. This would be occasional work, but very fun!

  2. Hi! I met you in Downtown Threads the other day and we chatted briefly about you blogging my nail art! You’ll have to forgive me, but I’ve forgotten your name! Anyways, my name is Anna and you should definitely shoot me an email sometime. Thanks!

  3. Hello Vermont !
    I found nice pics of you in Hunter boots in a park.
    I own a blog about rubber boots fashion in Paris. May I use this pic for my blog? Visit my blog first to see of you like it!
    Thanks anyway for an answer ! Kisses!
    BDC69/Arno from France

  4. Hi….nice blog! comming to Burlington in April, looking good that there are vintage clothing stores…myself from Sweden…working with clothes, cheap monday jeans, Monki, it would be nice if you can give me some ideas where to go in Burlington if you like vintage clothes and other stuff…Best regards from Sweden…..
    Lotta P

  5. Hannah kirkpatrick

    Thanls so much for coming to see and speak at Fashion Camp at Davis Studio!! The kids love your talk, and I got a few (more!?!) ideas for rocking a fab scarf on these beasty hot summer days! Cheers!

    • Thank you so much Hannah! I hope the runway went well today and I can’t wait to see your designs on celebrity babies! You’ve got talent girl!

  6. Hey there, I think your blog is great, so I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award!! You can see it here: http://thefashionerrd.wordpress.com/2012/07/26/one-lovely-blog-award/

    -Jaz’ of theFashionerrd

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