Category Archives: To Buy or Not To Buy

There isn’t a new Outift Post Today

… because I’ve been running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off in 5″ stilettos. All at once everything is moving at 100mph and it’s been all I can do to hold on.

I promise there will be new, juicy content up tomorrow and the day after but today I need a mulligan… and your advice:

Should I buy these?I was just sent a reminder that they were gathering digital dust sitting in my shopping cart and it got me thinking…

Pros: They’re under $35 (including shipping), relatively practical (aka good for at least 2 seasons) and I think they would be prefect with leggings, a big cozy knit and felt fedora (my fall weekend uniform) or paired with these skinnies, classic flannel and a knit beanie.

Cons: Some reviewers called them more of an olive than a brown, this concerns me. For under $35 I’m concerned that the quality will leave much to be desired, especially when they’re put up against Vermont weather conditions. I’m also worried that their slouchy appearance will restrict them to weekend only wear.

What do you think? Is there a way to class these boots up so they’re good for more than weekend errands? Should I pick them up?