Daily Archives: January 11, 2012

Very Vintage

Sunnies: Greece, Faux Fur Scarf: Gifted, Blazer: Originally my mom’s, Sweater: Forever 21, Suede Wrap Skirt: Synagogue Thrift/Charity Shop, Tights: The Sox Market, Boots: Mia Via 6pmIt feels so bizarre being able to see grass in January, this time last year I was frantically calling D to dig me out of my house (there was a 6 foot snow drift pressing against my kitchen door when I got up to go to work, it wasn’t pretty.)

My friend Carolyn introduced me to a wonderful thrift store behind a local synagogue and it’s less than a 10 minute walk from my house! I’ve had some serious luck there and almost died of jealousy when Caro found a gorgeous wool cape with fur trim, that of course looks perfect on her.

While I’m still jealous of Caro’s cape I’ve had some luck of my own at this gem of a thrift store. I scored this purple suede wrap skirt for a dollar! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it nestled between a pair of pajama jeans and a flannel bathrobe on the dollar rack! I guess it’s just more proof that one lady’s cast offs are this lady’s treasures. Bottom line, it was a dollar well spent and I’m having a lot of fun styling my new skirt.

What recent fashion finds have your heart all a flutter?