Daily Archives: January 16, 2012

My Weekend in Snapshots

How Gus dealt with the sub-zero tempsOne of my favorite hats and lots of layersAfternoon amarettos, to keep away the chillThe large and in charge cocktail ring I picked up at Micheal’s for $2For a late Sunday lunch with D’s parents I made saffron rice and fish veracruz 

Over the weekend temperatures in Burlington dipped to negative 15 with the wind chill making the idea spending the weekend at home under the covers all the more appealing. For the most part we stayed indoors and caught up on laundry and lounge time* but on Sunday we had D’s parents over for a late lunch. It was fun to have the opportunity to cook for them since they host D and I at their house all the time. I made fish veracruz (I used cod but you can use any light white fish) it’s a really fresh and flavorful dish with a touch of heat that makes it perfect for chilly days.

*Oh and to the ladies who used to live downstairs we miss you, hope you’re both doing well and wanted to let you know that your Sunday subscription to the Times is being well looked after.

How was your weekend?