Tag Archives: Style & Beauty

A Beautiful Start to the Week::Faces and Waxes

A few months ago I won a free facial from Faces & Waxes and last week I finally had a chance to stop by Elizabeth Brigante’s growing business. Elizabeth, a licensed esthetician and advanced skin care professional who has worked with clients like Tyra Banks, is also certified in microdermabrasion and massage therapy. Elizabeth’s broad knowledge base and skill set allows her to offer clients everything from maternity and hot stone massage, lash and brow tinting to various enzyme facials at Faces and Waxes. 

This was my first time getting a facial and I was a little nervous to have someone zoom in on my pores but when I saw Elizabeth’s warm smile and flawless skin I knew I was in the right hands. Elizabeth made me feel totally at ease and explained each step in my coconut/papaya enzyme facial.

The coconut/papaya enzyme facial contains only fruit enzymes for a gentle exfoliation for the most sensitive skin types and smelled heavenly! Elizabeth also applied a goji berry yogurt mask with cucumber and milk to help rebuild the skin and a PATYKA radiant exfoliating mask to encourage cell turnover. I was surprised when Elizabeth explained that in our early 20’s skin cells turn over every 21 days as opposed to every 48 days when we reach our 30’s.

Since optimum cell turn over begins to slow in our mid to late 20s Elizabeth recommends using anti-aging skin care products well before then. It may seem a little far fetched for a 24 year old to invest in a full line of anti-aging skincare products but Elizabeth insists it’s preventative maintenance;

“You see your dentist for teeth cleanings and your hair stylist for regular cuts and color. You should be seeing a Licensed Esthetician who is trained in skin care and can prescribe the correct facial products for YOU and YOUR SKIN TYPE.” – Elizabeth

While weekly trips to Faces and Waxes would be ah-mazing my budget doesn’t exactly have that type of cushion right now so I asked Elizabeth what I should be investing in given my limited budget and was surprised by how much I could be doing.

Always wear sunscreen! The sun’s damage is irreversible so protect your skin! Make sure both the moisturizer and foundation you use have at least SPF 15. Never go outside with less than SPF 30 on your face says Elizabeth.

Wash your face 3 times a day! Once in the morning and twice before you go to bed. The first wash at night removes dirt, grim and make up and the second wash actually cleanses your skin. According to Elizabeth one of the worst things you can do is not wash your face at night, your skin never has time to breath and the day to day grit and grim settles into your pores.

Invest in a good cleanser. Think of it in terms of cost per use; $25 – $35 for a cleanser may seem like a lot but if you’re washing your face 3 times a day with it should be what your skin needs.

Balance your coffee and alcohol intake with water. Coffee and alcohol can make you dehydrated, make sure to keep your cells hydrated by drinking 6 – 8 glasses of water a day.

Exfoliate in the shower weekly with a mix of virgin olive oil and dead sea salt to remove dead skin and revel younger, smoother skin.

I really can’t say enough positive things about my experience with Elizabeth at Faces and Waxes. My skin has never looked or felt better and I actually feel like I know what I’m doing in terms of my skin care regime. I also had my lashes tinted and I was blown away at the difference it made. I love waking up and not having to put on mascara. It took less than ten minutes for Elizabeth to do and I didn’t even have to take my contacts out since she uses nourishing vegetable dye. I am so happy with how it turned out, my eyes just pop! I will definitely be visiting Elizabeth often!

Faces and Waxes
Located inside Salon Cruz
187 St Paul Street, Burlington,Vermont 05401

What does your skin care regime consist of? How often do you see an esthetician for your skin care needs?

Mint Mini

Sunnies (that are making me look like a bug today): Greece,

Sweater: Loft (via Clothes Exchange), Belt: Goodwill, Skirt: H&M,

Glittery Leopard Flats: Target

Like I  could resist?!

These pictures don’t do this outfit proper justice! The skirt is an almost pastel shade of mint while the sweater has a perfect golden glittery shine. I’m slowly adding more metallics to my wardrobe and I’m loving how easy they are to mix and match with what I already have!

To offset the sweater’s sparkle I kept the rest of the look neutral and to tie it all together I choose an equally sparkly leopard print ballet flat. Please note: even though the temps are in the high 80’s my office is positively arctic so the sweater was totally necessary.

I tend to shy away from mini skirts or anything that shows a significant amount of thigh but this skirt has the perfect amount of flutter when you move (hence all the twirling and frolicking shots) so I was comfortable in it all day. Not to mention the lightweight fabric is totally breathable so it’s perfect during these sweltering hot temps.

The hemline makes it impossible not to feel graceful and romantic when you’re wearing it. Kate Middleton is a fan of similar fluttery hemlines, (seen here via Style & Beauty) making them all the more fashionable this summer! Just be sure to watch out for any gusts of wind as I accidentally may have flashed my tushy to an unsuspecting gentleman while walking to work… sorry sir!

I already have a million ideas about how I want to style this skirt next so be on the look out for remixing posts!

What metallic pieces do you have in your closet? How would you style a fluttery skirt?